Entries by Mura_Namdin

The Auction

February 22nd, 2021 I was young when there was the Depression and its aftermath.  Farmers lost their farm and everything was auctioned off.  Sometimes the auction was after the farmer had died.  I asked my mother if I could go to one at the next farm.  It was safe and I could walk there.  I […]

Business in Middleport

February 22nd, 2021 I had earned money picking cherries, tomatoes and cider apples.  I was 16 and had taken Driver Ed from Mr. P.  My boyfriend, who lived two miles away, and I were picked up from home.  Mr. P always complained that we were the slowest to change places.  We had learned where the […]

Bulk Solid Waste

  Bulk Solid Waste is defined as the following per our contract with Modern Disposal – Large/Bulk items shall consist of refuse which is too large or too heavy to place inside a 95 gallon issued refuse cart, but can be managed by two (2) contractor employees. The term includes discarded small household furniture, bedding […]

WiFi Hotspot Now Available

Village Hall is now a hotspot for internet availability. The signal is directional, so you must be west of the building. Connect to “Guest” to go online anywhere within about 300 feet from the hardware at the Hall.  The strongest signal is in the public parking lot behind Village Hall (24 Main Street). Access the […]