Police Department
Chief: Roland D. Johnson
Phone: (716)735-3373 | Fax: (716)735-3432
NC Sheriff’s Dispatcher: (716)735-3700 | Emergency: 911
Email: MiddleportPD@villageofmiddleport.org
Address: 22 Main Street, P.O. Box 186, Middleport, NY 14105
Roland D. Johnson, Chief
Chief Roland Johnson has been employed by the Middleport Police Department since December 2003. He was promoted to Sergeant in September 2012 and to Police Chief on July 15, 2024.
Sergeant Josh Mandaville
Sergeant Mandaville joined the Middleport Police Department in March 2019 as a part-time officer. He was promoted to full-time in August 2021 and most recently promoted to sergeant in October 2024.
Jonathan Wolcott
Police Officer FT
Logan Yotter
Police Officer FT
Andrew Magin
Police Officer PT
David-John Ceccato
Police Officer PT
Casey Jackson
Police Officer PT
Chief Johnson is on duty from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday. As the other officers’ hours vary, they are not listed.
My neighbor’s dog is constantly barking. What can I do about it?
Call us; we’re here to help. The Village noise ordinance prohibits loud noises, barking dogs, vehicles without mufflers, and/or loud music. There is no set time for enforcement of this ordinance, meaning it can and will be enforced at any time during the day or night if the Police Department receives a complaint. It can only be enforced on a complaint, so please do not hesitate to call if there is a problem.
My neighbor’s music is played too loudly. What do I do?
See the response to barking dogs
Why do I see Middleport Police cars in the Towns of Royalton and Hartland?
The Village of Middleport Police Department has had a contract with the Town of Royalton and the Town of Hartland dating back to May 2001. These contracts are for traffic control only. Village police officers patrol in the towns to stop speeders. This helps to keep the roads safer for all of us.
If you live outside of the Village in either the Town of Royalton or the Town of Hartland and need police assistance, you should still contact the Niagara County Sheriff’s Department for help.
What should I do if I see a dog running loose in the Village?
Contact the Middleport PD. We will attempt to catch the dog and if successful, it will be put in the kennel that is behind the Village DPW garage. Depending on if the dog is found in the part of the Village that is in Royalton or the part that is in Hartland, the animal control officer from that town will be contacted if the owner doesn’t claim the dog.
What should I do if my dog gets loose and I can’t find it?
We have a kennel in the Village garage for stray dogs. If your dog is missing, contact the Village Hall. Your dog just might be there! We hold dogs for several days trying to locate the owner. In addition, we contact the animal control officer from the Town of Royalton or Hartland (depending on where the dog was found), who also tries to find the owner. The dog will be turned over to the animal control officer if no owner is found after a few days.
Why did I get a ticket for parking on the street overnight in the winter when there aren’t any signs that indicate “no parking”?
Signs at the entrances of the village indicate parking is banned on all village streets from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Snow removal equipment operates better and more efficiently when it doesn’t have to maneuver around vehicles. The DPW works diligently to keep the streets clean of snow and ice and try to do this prior to the start of school so buses and vehicles transporting students have safer travels on village streets. This is why parking on village streets between the hours of 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. is prohibited and this ban is enforced from the first Sunday in November to the first Sunday in April each winter.
Campfire issues.
See this issue under Zoning and Code Enforcement.