Community Information
Phone: (716)735-3303
Find important information about what’s happening in the Village of Middleport!
We will be adding information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic from federal, state, and local sources as we receive them.
Empire State Development FAQ for Business
Click on the link for information from New York State’s Empire State Development department.
Small Business Administration COVID-19 Loans
Click here for information regarding loans available from the Small Business Association for businesses impacted by PAUSE NY
NYS Department of Labor Shared Work Program
Click here for more information regarding the NYS Department of Labor’s shared work program guidelines
Click here to access New York State’s COVID-19 website
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Expanded Family and Medical Leave Requirements/U.S. Department of Labor
Click on the link for more information regarding leave time
NY Forward – Reopening NYS
This link will take you to NYS’s website for Implementing CDC Guidance. NY has adopted the CDC recommendations for fully vaccinated people for most businesses and public settings.
Rent Relief Program
Former Governor Cuomo announced on July 15, 2020, that funds will be released to assist with rent for New Yorkers during this pandemic. Click on the link for more information.
Mr. Ed’s Athletic Club and the Middleport Fire Department will award scholarships this year to selected persons choosing to further their education and enter the field of public service.
This page will contain updates on information regarding this American Legion Post, the Ladies Auxiliary, and the Junior Auxiliary.
Veterans National Cemetery, Pembroke NY
Research and Recognition Project
Frank J. Gaffney Purple Heart Book of Honor
Research and Recognition Project
Contact: Clerk’s Office
Address: 24 Main St.
P.O. Box 186
Middleport, NY 14105
Phone: 716-735-3303
Rotary Park is located on Telegraph Road (Rt. 31) in the Village of Middleport.
Park Hours are 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The Scout House and the pavilion are in Rotary Park. The Scout House was generously donated to the Village by the Rotary Club for a place for Scouts to meet. Currently there are 6 – 8 Scout Troops (Boy- and Girl Scouts, Brownies, and Cub Scouts) meeting here on a weekly basis.
The Scout House is located at 131 Telegraph Road, Middleport, NY 14105. Both the Scout House and the pavilion are available for rental.
The Scout House may be rented by Village residents and by non-residents, as well. Commencing June 1, 2016, the cost to rent the Scout House has increased to $100 for village residents and $175 for non-residents. Not-for-profit organizations may use the Scout House at no cost. Of course, the Scouts come first when reserving the House.
The pavilion is available for rental at a cost of $25 for residents and non-residents. The cost to rent the pavilion will not change. Not-for-profit organizations may use the pavilion at no cost. The rental cost entitles you to access to the restrooms in the Scout House.
To see if a date is available and to reserve the Scout House and/or the Pavilion, please either call the Clerk’s Office at (716) 735-3303 or email her at
Applications are available by calling the Village Hall at 735-3303 Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by downloading from this website. Please be sure to download the rules and regulations when downloading an application. Please contact the Clerk’s Office (716-735-3303) to make sure the date you want is available before completing the paperwork.
Scout House Application and Agreement with Rules and Regulations
Non-Profit Scout House Application and Agreement with Rules and Regulations
The Royalton Hartland Central School District relocated the playground to Alfred Street.
Contact: Village Hall
Phone: (716) 735-3303
Address: Corner of Park Ave and Main Street
Middleport, NY 14105
Public restrooms are a short walk away, located behind the Village Hall at 24 Main Street.
The summer swim program is open to all children residing in the Town of Hartland, Town of Royalton, and the Village of Middleport ages 6 months and older.
There Will Be A $20.00 Fee Per Child* collected at the Swim Sign Up
And a $40.00 Fee for The Adult Water Fit Class**
This fee MUST be paid prior to the start of the Summer Swim Program in order to participate
*The $20.00 fee is for 1 to 3 children per family.
If you are a family of four or more children participating in the program, there is no charge for each additional child after the third child. The maximum out-of-pocket expense for each family is capped at $60.00.
**Need a Minimum of 10 people to sign-up for the Adult Water Fit class to be held.
This program is sponsored by the Town of Hartland, the Town of Royalton, and the Village of Middleport.
If you would like to view the 2024 program schedule, please click on the link at the bottom.
Swim lessons are held at the Royalton-Hartland High School pool, located at 54 State Street, Middleport, New York.
Swim classes are offered on a first come, first served basis. 2024 sign up date is scheduled for Saturday, June 8, 2024, at the Village Hall, 24 Main Street, Middleport. There is municipal parking available behind the Village Hall and across from the Fire Hall on Main Street.
Swim sign up starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. Doors will not open before 9:00 a.m., so please do not expect to be let in before then.
Parents must register their children themselves or send a signed permission slip with another adult who will sign for them. Children cannot sign for themselves. Parents should bring the child’s most recent swim card and know what class their child should sign up for. PHONE REGISTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT ALL THIS YEAR. IF THERE IS ANY ROOM AFTER SIGNUP, YOUR CHILD MAY BE FIT IN.
All children registered in either of the preschool classes MUST have a parent with them in the water during the lesson.
* Classes which fail to meet the minimum number of enrollees may be canceled at the discretion of the Director.