Entries by Lisa VanBuren

Water Main Repaired

The water main on North Main Street is now repaired. If you are in the affected area, you may notice that your water is discolored at first due to the repair. Please just run your water for a little bit, and it should return to normal.

Low Water Pressure

If you are experiencing low water pressure in the Village this morning, it is due to National Grid hitting a water line while trying to set a new pole on N Main Street. The DPW is working on it and will repair it as quickly as possible.

Summer Swim Program Sign Up

Please copy and paste the link below for all of the information regarding the 2023 Summer Swim Program. You can also click on the Community tab and scroll down to the Royalton Hartland Summer Swim Program for a direct link to this flyer. file:///C:/Users/middl/Desktop/Rec%20&%20Swim%20Program/2023/2023%20Swim%20Schedule%20One%20Page%20Colored%20(1).pdf

Office Hours – Building Inspector

Brian Belson, the Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector is in the office on Wednesdays from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. You can also schedule an appointment with him if necessary. He can be reached at 716-735-3303 Ext. 401.

American Legion

The American Legion Auxiliary Clute-Phillips Unit 938 members want to recognize our currently serving veterans’ families by presenting them with a Blue Star banner. A long-time tradition of the American Legion family, the Blue Star banner has been given to the family of a currently serving veteran to acknowledge that sacrifice of having a member […]

Garbage and Recycling

The garbage and recycling pick up scheduled for Wednesday, January 19, 2022, will be delayed until Thursday, January 20, 2022, due to the heavy snowfall this week.